McRib the double Strategy

Who of us does not know McDonalds. Personally, I believe it is a great place to grab a bite. Moreover, it is a great company with an extremely successful strategy. By far the leading fast food restaurant chain worldwide. Even in the United States the competition is not even near the numbers McDonalds puts on […]

Raising a child is strategizing

It has been for almost eighteen months since our baby was born and everything has changed. The biggest change is to think and to prioritize daily tasks differently. Basically, having a child learns you how to think strategically. Often you have to adapt your strategies but that makes it more interesting and different every time. […]

A way to become a millionaire

Are we not all looking for some way to become a millionaire? Did we not try several options to make some easy money? Or is feeling as rich as a millionaire not to express in gold? I would like to tell you my vision on these questions. And no, I am not a millionaire, I […]

The Ten Thousand strategy

I read the novel ‘The lost army’ written by Valerio Massimo Manfredi. A great book that takes your mind along the travel of a Syrian girl and her mysterious writer, Xenophon, through the Persian empire. I would recommend this book if you are interested in ancient history and you would like to read a good […]

Holiday strategies

It has been a while since my last post. The reasons are holidays and just a lack of time. And yes, these two are related to each other. Personally, I disagree by saying I did not have enough time. Time we can make or create. It is the same way in which I created time […]

Religion is strategy or is it traditional strategy?

Religion is, in the shortest way explained, a belief in which a person puts in her/his faith. Usually, a group of people share the same religion. A religion is in general a base used to clarify in what way a person should live his/her life. There are still countries where religion sets out the strategy […]

Duo pack 1 – WordPress website plus 1 year hosting

Unlimited hosting so always up to your needs plus your website up and running with WordPress.

Freelance work is not always without any doubts

Starting a cooperation with a new client is always exciting. It is the reason why you are in this business and why you are a freelancer. It is always good to weight the pro’s and con’s.