Everything on nonstopstrategy.com is according to the GDPR settlement and originated by myself or in cooperation with others. If you believe something was copied just let me know.
If you find anything that is not in line with the policy described on the website mentioned below than please contact me: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/priorities/justice-and-fundamental-rights/data-protection/2018-reform-eu-data-protection-rules_en
Privacy is hereby protected.
The rules are simple on nonstopstrategy.com. You can make an order without any obligation to pay. I will contact you once the order has been placed. Please note I am doing this from a hobby perspective and I am not business registered. However, for services you can be charged. I cooperate with other professionals, it can happen the charge comes from them through nonstopstrategy.com.
If you believe a link or commercial is inappropriate just let me know. Cookies will be collected and via the popup you are already informed. Google will show their ads and other 3rd parties might appear as well. If you decide to create an account or subscribe please bear in mind some promotion might end up in your inbox. My purpose is not to spam you but to provide you with useful information. If you register on nonstopstrategy.com your data is stored properly and will be used just to inform you about the ins and outs @nonstopstrategy. I will not sell it or use it for other non-intended purposes.
As mentioned, I cooperate with others but I shall not extend the rights to any provided information to any other 3rd party without your consent.
Please be so kind and do not post any provocative comments and if you feel like using my services just contact me or place an order via the store options. I will respond and we shall pick it up from there. Any order and feedback are highly appreciated.
If you believe there is any kind of violation or whatsoever please let me know so it can be taken care of. Important is to enjoy the subject of strategy.