I fell and I fell even deeper, I got up every time to make the joy in my life grow even steeper.  


Strategy is a subject that has always been on my mind and during my career I, Freddie van der Ploeg, came across a lot of interesting topics. I realized that strategy is an ongoing subject which everyone has to deal with on short- and long term bases: Nonstop Strategy.

With Nonstop Strategy I want to make a contribution to your realization about implementing and implemented strategy. What is it, where do we see it, how it is used and many other aspects of strategy will appear here by time. Furthermore, I like to discuss strategies so feel free to browse and comment on my (upcoming) articles.

You can see some of my writing also on Medium and a guest blog on Influencer Creation. Please note some links might not work anymore as it was part of my previously owned websites.

I will also offer my services here in the form of a web-shop. During the years I created and assisted with several websites in WordPress, worked on online strategies and businesses. If you are interested in me helping you out, please do not hesitate to contact me. We can start working on a successful strategy anytime. 

The personal “Freddie” background

I am not a Guggenheim scientist, neither am I a master in several degrees. The road I took so far did not lead me to a fortune. I am just a person who has many ideas, gained experience in a wide range and believes in the human being. My name is Freddie and my interests are mostly strategy related such as the history of the Roman era, the medieval kingdoms, the world wars. Also what happens nowadays, the strategy of urbanization, business strategy, personal strategy and a lot more strategies draw my attention.

I have always liked the strategic board game of Risk. Many options for setting up a strategy to achieve your mission or total domination. When I got older I got really fond of the strategic board game Axis & Allies. Let’s be honest about World War 2: it was a horrible war but it created a whole new world in modern warfare and great strategies were set up and fought out. I am not aware of a great strategy board game that illustrates the Roman Empire, any tips?

I have never been, and am still not, a very active gamer (I had my periods) but when I discovered Rome: Total War I was heavily addicted. Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of spare time to play the second (or newer) version of this strategy game just as much. It requires a much more strategic approach as the first version. For me it is the best strategy game so far.

Besides the Rome Total War I also enjoy the game Civilization. I started to play it from the third part and got stuck with the fifth. A truly awesome game to play and to try to kick some ass out of the AI. These players are really tough to beat and if anyone has some tips to win the game on level 7 and 8 I am really curious. For the people who do not know it: you start with a little town in 4000 BC.

My studies and learning experience

During my life, till the point where I am right now, I had to deal with several strategies. The funny thing is that at the time, I was never seeing it is a strategy. Now I would say life is obviously a nonstop strategy. Setting a goal and planning the steps to achieve this goal. I believe people adjust goals as interests change or set up new goals when achieved all , in other words: Nonstop Strategy. Please judge for yourself.

I studied at the gymnasium as a teenager but I was a ‘bad’ student. Meaning I was satisfied with a minimum to pass by using a minimum of my effort. Honestly, I regret but I cannot change what happened…right? Exactly, so I have to make changes now. After I ‘finally’ finished by graduating in Dutch, English, German, History, Mathematics/Statistics, Science and Economics I went to International Business School (Bachelor). This was really interesting but I had some issues with getting the internship agreed upon. Then my eye fell on the study Small Business & Retail Management. I already completed my propedeutics so I wrapped up this study in three years. 

At that point in my life I really wanted to grow into the position of a shop manager. I focused on training in Sales but unfortunately my path was destined to be different.

I wrestled with life which took me to where I am now: Veni Vidi Vici

Freddie’s work experience

I survived a very difficult and turbulent career which brought me to where I am now. I wish everyone the happiness without the falling.

So now something about Strategy

Strategy has been as ancient as life on planet earth. Strategy itself means to find the best way to achieve a set goal by using the available resources. Available resources can be either direct or indirect. You can use your own skills or skills of others. Strategy is in other words: to choose the most suitable approach to get what you want or to conquer an area just as you imagined. Usually strategy involves overcoming certain risks. And for this you need of course the best possible way to achieve your goal.

You can start by making a strategic plan in which you set the path towards your goal, weigh the pro’s and con’s and list the resources. Sometimes you already know in advance how you will walk your path. In such cases a good and concrete planning seems unnecessary. None the less is true, a good strategy is even here extremely useful. By making a strategy you ensure your focus is on the set goal. Besides this, a good strategy helps you to distinct you from the competition and to make yourself unique.

Now you think that this is all common knowledge, Freddie can say whatever he wants. Hundreds of books and articles have been written about strategy. I had this thought of what makes people successful. Many of us would say that it is all about luck and your heritage is determining the path you are going to walk. We all know that this is not true, not anymore. History has proven clearly that determination counts and you and me really can make it to our set goals. Of course goals need to be realistic and concern only that what really excites you.

A strategy defines a plan describing the way towards the goal. Strategy is used in many ways, see for example on Wikipedia.

I wish you great fun at Nonstop Strategy but just as important I wish you the best strategy for whatever goal you may have.

Some of my older written blogs that were on previous websites. Feel free to read and/or drop any comment. Thank you for the time reading, Warm Regards, Freddie

Anthropomorphic Strategy

Sometimes you know exactly what the article is about by just reading the title. In other cases you would not have a clue. By researching this title I was not convinced it would illustrate the article I would write (I usually have an idea and want to title it first, ...

Doing your groceries is a Strategy

If you did not come up with any kind of #strategy it can be very hard to reach or even exceed your goals. And let's face it, you make #strategies almost every single day. For example by doing grocery shopping. The goal is to get your groceries. You create a ...

Strategy in adapting Cultural Differences

The title says it all. We all had to deal with it at least once in my opinion. Difference in cultural is a worldwide and well-known understanding. But how are we dealing with it? What is a good way to overcome these cultural differences? On the world wide web there ...

To show Respect is Strategic Communicating

Don’t we love it all, being told how well we have done something? Aren’t we happy to be rewarded for our given efforts? Receiving gratitude and respect are most welcomed by all of us (at least I believe so). In my opinion the reward is great but not the most ...

Hospitalization Strategy

Three months ago (april 2014, now 2019 we have our 2nd child), me and my girlfriend were privileged with the birth of our daughter, a beautiful healthy baby. When she was one month we were told hospitalization was required. It seemed to be the hip had a defect called hip ...

Facebook in your Strategy of Networking

I wrote already once that I moved from the Netherlands to the Czech Republic (now in 2019 I live in Slovakia and in between in Austria as well). This was a good move for me. It made me think about what I want and how I want to develop myself ...

McRib the double Strategy

Who of us does not know McDonalds. Personally, I believe it is a great place to grab a bite. Moreover, it is a great company with an extremely successful strategy. By far the leading fast food restaurant chain worldwide. Even in the United States the competition is not even near ...

Raising a child is strategizing

It has been for almost eighteen months since our baby was born and everything has changed. The biggest change is to think and to prioritize daily tasks differently. Basically, having a child learns you how to think strategically. Often you have to adapt your strategies but that makes it more ...

A way to become a millionaire

Are we not all looking for some way to become a millionaire? Did we not try several options to make some easy money? Or is feeling as rich as a millionaire not to express in gold? I would like to tell you my vision on these questions. And no, I ...

The Ten Thousand strategy

I read the novel ‘The lost army’ written by Valerio Massimo Manfredi. A great book that takes your mind along the travel of a Syrian girl and her mysterious writer, Xenophon, through the Persian empire. I would recommend this book if you are interested in ancient history and you would ...