Hospitalization Strategy

Three months ago (april 2014, now 2019 we have our 2nd child), me and my girlfriend were privileged with the birth of our daughter, a beautiful healthy baby. When she was one month we were told hospitalization was required. It seemed to be the hip had a defect called hip dysplasia. The required treatment had to take place in the hospital for 4-6 weeks. During these weeks our child will be in traction. So what do you do as a parent in such a situation? Which #strategy you will set up to make sure your child gets the best treatment? Follow you the advice given? You get a second and/or a third opinion? You will start a treatment in the country you live or you go back to your home country? (Click here if you want to know more about our choice)

Looking around learns you that there are huge differences between hospital within one country and even more in hospitals from different countries. I am not just talking about how the building looks, the use of state-of-the-art equipment or the staff. Deciding if you (or a family member) has to be hospitalized is a big decision. Not something you regularly think about. My personal experience has taught me to think twice and really go through all possibilities. It doesn’t mean you get the best treatment when a hospital is newly built and modernly equipped. Neither is the opposite. Yes, it is the who make it work and I do not mean that a doctor knows how to use his/her skills. I mean a human approach, showing empathy and topping this with the best skills. Every profession is like a #strategy, to find the best way towards a desired result. What use is a #strategy if you do not know what the goal is?

I also believe people agree to easy with a doctor’s opinion. What is wrong with making your own #strategy? Hospitalization requires more thoughts than buying a new phone or car. Nowadays, some hospitals or clinics are highly commercialized and I believe they lost their goal. Specialists are another issue in hospitals. I honestly believe they know their skills but it is not the same as understanding their profession. I wrote before about it but again communication is usually the key. Talking about doctors I refer to previous articles about anthropomorphic strategy,  to show respect is strategic communication and communication is a strategic key. I strongly advise every reader of this article to think strategically about hospitalization (in case you run into it). 

Concluding this article I would like to ask all of you to share your opinions and experiences. I believe a lot can be changed just there where it is necessary. Think not only about yourself but what will happen if it continues with others, #nonstopstrategy.